Balochistan Assessment & Examination Commission Quetta
- Education Department, Government of Balochistan established BEAC through administrative order vide notification No. 1668-77 dated 2nd October, 2015.
To improve the quality of examination at all levels to shift away from testing of memory to assessment of critical analytical ability.
To enhance capacity of teachers to develop and conduct quality assessment and examinations.

Chief Executive Officer
Nizam ud Din Mengal
At the heart of a successful education system, is a credible public examination system built on the foundations and pillars of integrity, credibility and fairness. Examinations and assessments are the most crucial factors affecting a student’s experience and raising the quality of assessment has a substantial impact on learning. It is vital to think about the appropriate ways to measure the learning that we want our students to attain. A well-designed examination or assessment can provide important information about a student ’s abilities. Subsequently, BAEC places a strong emphasis on a cycle of continuous improvement, through which it consistently enhances the structure, administration, and marking of its examinations. These improvements are the beginning of an ambitious institutional strengthening plan for BAEC, and over the coming years, we will keep improving examination design, conduct, and marking.
One of the key objectives of this report is to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The quantitative analysis of learners’ performance in the examinations serves to identify the strengths and weakness in their knowledge and skills. In response to weaknesses identified, the report further suggests remedial measures that should be adopted at school level. This will allow teachers to identify the problem areas hindering effective teaching and learning, identifying the knowledge gaps and refining teaching strategies accordingly, and considering information or approaches that can be integrated into teaching reform and academic improvement plans in the new academic year.
Education is the shield of life. I therefore invite all education stakeholders to view the results with a sense of ownership and involvement to remediate and accelerate learning. Together we will continue to ensure that we are a system on the rise.